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About CloudRaker


Why us?

We’re always on a mission, but never without a cause

Built for Change

Our decades of journeying through digital innovation have taught us that true progress isn't about chasing the next big thing; it's about intentionally placing an outcome at the forefront of everything we do. Here are some reasons why we’re so adept at keeping up with a world where change is the only known constant.

Nimble & Adaptive

By working in progress-first methodologies that keep us focused on outcomes.

Thrive in Constraints

Innovating within an impossibly rigid sandbox is our kind of creative challenge.

Lead with Experience

Not just building things people want, but making sure they actually get used.

Grounded in Fact

We seek data and insight for illumination, not just to support existing beliefs.

What It’s Like to Work With Us

Take on Precise Missions

Regardless of whether something needs designing, launching, or scaling, each mission has one thing in common: a clear and distinct purpose. Always. Because the best way to accomplish groundbreaking work is to have the end goal in mind.

Build Like a Product Company

We build products that are flexible, scalable, independent, and secure. As technology and trends evolve, so do our practices, stack, and standards. Think modern front-end frameworks, modular and serverless architectures, and robust security protocols – with a focus on best practices and adaptability.

Make Things That Work

With a user-centered approach to design, iterative development cycles, and methodologies centered on rapid prototyping, continuous testing, and feedback integration, our cross-functional teams work closely with your stakeholders and end users to ensure no detail is spared.

Making Your Tech Stack Sweat Since 2000

CloudRaker was born digital in the year 2000. For a quarter of a century, we’ve been navigating digital’s ever-changing landscape. While the “digital” then, and what constitutes “digital” now looks dramatically different, one thing has never changed – our clear focus on making a real impact on our clients’ business. It’s not about focusing on digital-first, mobile-first, or AI-first experiences, but instead always putting the user experience first.

We’ve worked in telecommunications, transportation, health, hospitality, financial services, consumer products, and online marketplaces. Today, this experience across industries gives us a unique edge in amalgamating best practices from one sector to another.

When you have a partner who can innovate and make creativity flourish even in the most heavily regulated industries, just imagine what you could do anywhere else.

Lead With the Case for Change

We’re champions of change. We drive transformational initiatives forward for our clients. And we do it in record time. But only when there’s a strong business case to back it up. We’re as relentless about the why as we are the where, what, when and how; allowing us to move all the right levers, at the right time.

Solving for Real

Never create for the sake of creation. Our bias for results keeps us grounded in what’s tangible. Data and insights aren’t just nice to have, they’re fundamental. Real, measurable outcomes means not only investing in the right technologies, but also a keen understanding of their potential impact within your organization.

It's not just what we do, it's how we do it

