It's a well-known fact that 75% of sexually active Canadians will get at least one HPV infection in their lifetime. While vaccination programs in schools were able to make a significant dent in vaccination rates, 80% of men, and 30% of women remain unvaccinated. How do we drive vaccination rates amongst the eligible population without resorting to fear mongering?
Create a shift in public perception about HPV vaccination by leveraging behavioural insights in order to foster a sense of urgency and responsibility that ultimately drives action. There's a need to focus on the forgotten populations that did not receive the vaccination in schools, while simultaneously encouraging healthcare practitioners to play their part.
By orchestrating cohesive digital channels, we were able to provide healthcare professionals and consumers with accessible, tailored tools and information that bridged critical gaps across access and education. Ultimately, we were able to build a digital ecosystem that simplified the vaccination journey by breaking down barriers that stood in the way of adoption.